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Starting from a small office and a showroom in the city of Abu Dhabi, Green Oasis Company has expanded several times during the past 46 years since its establishment in 1979 to become one of the most prominent leading agricultural companies in the country through its seven branches spread around the Emirates, which includes more than 28 high qualified employees.

Green Oasis Logo

Our Products

We showcase our comprehensive range of agricultural solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of farmers and cultivators worldwide. From cutting-edge pesticides designed to protect crops from harmful pests and diseases to high-quality fertilizers formulated to enhance soil fertility and boost plant growth.

Laincoil - Organic

Agricultural Pesticides-Insecticide
Laincoil - Organic

*Active ingredient :Paraffinic oil 79% EC . *Uses: 150 - 300 ml./ 100 L of water. All crops *Target Pests: Mites, scales, Aphids , White fly and Mealy bugs *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin :Lainco S.A, Spain


Agricultural Pesticides-Insecticide

*Active ingredient :Esfenvalerate 2.6 EC . *Uses: 60 – 100 ml/100 L water.All crops *Target Pests: Moth, Caterpillar , White fly, thrips, Date palm weevil, Humera, Dubas *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin :Proplan plant protection, Spain.


Agricultural Pesticides-Insecticide

*Active ingredient :Deltamethrin 2.5 % EC. *Uses:35 - 50 ml./ 100 L of water All crops *Target Pests: Aphids White fly ,Thrips, Dubas, Humera, tuta absulata , scales, Mealy bugs,termite *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin :Lainco S.A, Spain

Rufast 75EW

Agricultural Pesticides-Insecticide
Rufast 75EW

*Active ingredient :Acrinathrin 7% EW . *Uses: 40 – 80 ml /100 L of water All crops *Target Pests: Thrips , Red mite *Packing : 250ML *Producer name and origin :Cheminova A/S Germany

Nichino Hachi Hachi

Agricultural Pesticides-Insecticide
Nichino Hachi Hachi

*Active ingredient :Tolfenpyrad 15% EC . *Uses: 100 – 150 ml /100 L OF water All Crops *Target Pests: Thrips, White fly, Mealy bugs, Cabbage Webworn, Diamond back moth Common cabbage, aphids *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin :NIHON NOHYAKU CO,LTD-- JAPAN TOKYO.


Agricultural Pesticides-Insecticide

*Active ingredient :Acetamipride 20% SP . *Uses: 25- 50 gm /100 L of wáter All crops *Target Pests: Aphids , thrips , white fly *Packing : 500KG, *Producer name and origin :PROPLAN,plant protection S.L , Spain


Agricultural Pesticides-Insecticide

*Active ingredient :Lambda-Cyhalothrin 10 %, . *Uses:50- 75 gm /100 L of wáter All crops *Target Pests: Aphids , thrips , white fly- Caterpillars *Packing : 250ML *Producer name and origin : FMC.

Floramite SC

Agricultural Pesticides-Acaricidas
Floramite SC

*Active ingredient :Bifenazate 24% SC . *Uses:25-70 ml/100 L of wáter All crops *Target Pests: All mites, All stages *Packing :250ML *Producer name and origin :Arysta, USA.


Agricultural Pesticides-Acaricidas

*Active ingredient :Abamectin 1.8% EC . *Uses: 25 -100 ml/100L of water All crops. *Target Pests: Leaf minors, Thrips and Mites *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin :Lainco S.A, Spain.


Agricultural Pesticides-Acaricidas

*Active ingredient :Acequinocyl 15% SC . *Uses: 65- 150 ml/100 L of wáter All crops. *Target Pests: All mites, All stages. *Packing :500ML *Producer name and origin :Agro-Kanesho, Japan.


Agricultural Pesticides-Fungicides

*Active ingredient :Chinosol 50% SL(8-Hydroxy Quinolein sulphate) 375 g/L . *Uses: 100-200 ml/100 L All crops *Target Pests: Fusariam soil fungi,Pythium,Rhizoctonia bacterial diseases *Packing : 500ML *Producer name and origin :Probelte S. A., Spain.


Agricultural Pesticides-Fungicides

*Active ingredient :Zoxamide 180 g/L +dimethomorph 180 g/L . *Uses: 100 ml/100 L of water All crops *Target Pests:Late Blight and Early Blight Downey Mildew, Anthracnosis,Black Scorch, Diplodia, Brown Spot, Leaf Spot *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin :Gowan Crop Protection, UK


Agricultural Pesticides-Fungicides

*Active ingredient :Sulfar 72% . *Uses: 200-600 ml/ 100 L of wáter (Foliar),All crops *Target Pests: Powdery Mildew, Downey mildew, rust and mites *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin :Lainco S.A, Spain.

Cobre Lainco-Organic

Agricultural Pesticides-Fungicides
Cobre Lainco-Organic

*Active ingredient :Copper oxychloride 50% WP . *Uses: 300-350 gm / 100L All crops *Target Pests: Downy mildew-Anthracnose Leaf Rust, Snow mold Bacterial diseases , Botryts Disease *Packing :1 KG *Producer name and origin :Lainco S. A, Spain.


Agricultural Pesticides-Fungicides

*Active ingredient :Copper oxychloride 52% SC . *Uses: 250-300 ml / 100L, All crops *Target Pests: Downy Mildew,Blights, Anthracnose,Bacterial disease, Leaf Rust *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin :Lainco S.A, Spain.


Agricultural Pesticides-Fungicides

*Active ingredient :Azoxytrobin 25% SC . *Uses: 80-100 ml / 100L,All crops *Target Pests: Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew,Leaf Rust,Soil Borne disease Rhizoctonia solani *Packing :250ML *Producer name and origin :Lainco S. A, Spain.

Katanga Express Fosetyl-Al 80% WG

Agricultural Pesticides-Fungicides
Katanga Express Fosetyl-Al 80% WG

*Active ingredient : Fosetyl-Al 80% WG . *Uses: 250 -300 gm/100 L water in all Crops *Target Pests: Phytophthora green mold,Fusariam, soil fungi, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, bacterial diseases , Late Blight and Early Blight,Downey Mildew, Anthracnosis,Black Scorch, Diplodia, Brown Spot, *Packing : 1KG *Producer name and origin :Proplan plant protection, Spain.

Rival Duo

Agricultural Pesticides-Fungicides
Rival Duo

*Active ingredient :400 (g/L) Propamocarb 50 Cymoxanil (g/L) . *Uses: 60 – 100 ml/100 L water.All crops *Target Pests: Phytophthora green mold,Pythium, Rhizoctonia *Packing :500ML *Producer name and origin :Agria S.A.,Bulgaria.

Nemakick SL

Agricultural Pesticides-Nematicide
Nemakick SL

*Active ingredient: Imicyafos 30 % SL . *Uses: 0.25- 0.5 ml./L before and after planting All crops *Target Pests: Root knot nematode, root lesion nematode and potato cyst nematode *Packing : 500ML *Producer name and origin : Agro-Kanesho, Japan.

Spartan 4F

Agricultural Pesticides-Herbicides
Spartan 4F

*Active ingredient: Sulfentrazone 480 g/L SC . *Uses:3 ml / L of water. *Target Pests: used to control annual and perennial weeds such as Cyperus Spp, green kylling, Kochia, lamb's quarters, redroot pigweed and wild buckwheat on the perennial lawns and golf courses under hot and cold weather condition *Packing : 500ML *Producer name and origin : FMC, USA.


Agricultural Pesticides-Herbicides

*Active ingredient:20% Fluroxypyr W/V (as 1-methyle heptyl ester) *Uses: 1 L /Ha All crops *Target Pests: Annual and perennial broadleaf weeds *Packing :1LTR *Producer name and origin : Lainco S.A, Spain.


Agricultural Pesticides-Public Health Pesticide

*Active ingredient : Cypermethrin 10 %. *Uses: Indoor & outdoor use against insects For flies: Dilute 100-200 ml / 10 L of wate For mosquitoes: Dilute 50-100 ml /10 L of water.or Crawling insects: Dilute 200-300 ml / 10 L of water.Spray the suspension at the rate of 1 Lr / 15 m².For ULV : 500 ml / 10 L of water and use 1 L of solution / 2500 m³ or 1000 m² of surface. *Target Pests: It is formulated with a new technology that guarantees active ingredient’s technical features and improve safety of applicators and treated environment. The solvent used in the formulation grants the following features as the absence of bad smell, Non-phytotoxic as per the advised dilution dosage and long-lasting stability To control public health insects in all areas by spraying , fogging and ULV. *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin : Zapi Industrie, Italy


Agricultural Pesticides-Public Health Pesticide

*Active ingredient: Cypermethrin (10%) + Tetramethrin(2%) +Piperonyl Butoxide (15%) (Total=27%) *Uses: For flies and flying insects: Dilute 100 - 200 ml /10 L of water. For all kinds of mosquitoes: Dilute 50-100 ml /10 L of water. For all kinds of crawling insects: Dilute 200 -300 ml / 10 L of water. Spray the suspension at the dosage of 1 L/15 m²/ For ULV : 500 ml / 10 L of water and use 1 L of solution / 2500 m³ or 1000 m² of surface. *Target Pests: Effectively controls insects in places where surfaces to be sprayed are smooth. *Packing : 500ML *Producer name and origin : Zapi industrie, Italy.

Triform Polvere DP

Agricultural Pesticides-Public Health Pesticide
Triform Polvere DP

*Active ingredient: Tetramethrin 1 % DP . *Uses: Dilute 20-30 g /L of water . Increase dosage to 40-50 g / L of water against more resistant insects. The obtained suspension to be sprayed at the dosage of 1 L / 5- 10 m².Use suspension immediately after its preparation, taking care to shake before and during its usage. *Target Pests:Powder insecticide works on contact effective against adult public health insects with long lasting action. *Packing : 1LTR *Producer name and origin : Zapi industrie, Italy.

Quadro 20.20.20+TE-Hydroponic farming

High quality Soluble Fertilizers used through Drip irrigation and spreading
Quadro 20.20.20+TE-Hydroponic farming

*Uses: Fertigation: 25-75 kg/ha. Foliar: 1.5:2.5 kg/ha. All crops *Target Pests: Total Nitrogen= 20 % ,P2O5=20% K2O=20% with trace elements *Packing : BAG/25KG *Producer name and origin : Green Has Italia, Jordan.

Quadro 10.50.10+TE -Hydroponic farming

High quality Soluble Fertilizers used through Drip irrigation and spreading
Quadro 10.50.10+TE -Hydroponic farming

*Uses: Fertigation: 25-75 kg/ha. Foliar: 1.5:3.5 kg/ha. All crops *Target Pests: Total Nitrogen= 10 % P2O5=50% K2O=10% with trace elements *Packing : BAG/25KG *Producer name and origin : Green Has Italia, Jordan.

Quadro 28.14.14+TE-Hydroponic farming

High quality Soluble Fertilizers used through Drip irrigation and spreading
Quadro 28.14.14+TE-Hydroponic farming

*Uses: Fertigation: 25-75 kg/ha.Foliar: 1.5:2.5 kg/ha.All crops *Target Pests: Total Nitrogen= 28 % P2O5=14% K2O=14% with trace elements *Packing : BAG/25KG *Producer name and origin : Green Has Italia, Jordan.

Quadro 6.6.40+2 Mg+TE -Hydroponic farming

High quality Soluble Fertilizers used through Drip irrigation and spreading
Quadro 6.6.40+2 Mg+TE -Hydroponic farming

*Uses: Fertigation: 25-75 kg/ha.Foliar: 1.5:2.5 kg/ha.All crops *Target Pests: Total Nitrogen= 6 % P2O5=6% K2O=40% with trace elements *Packing : BAG/25KG *Producer name and origin :Green Has Italia, Jordan .

Quadro Cal Hydroponic farming

High quality Soluble Fertilizers used through Drip irrigation and spreading
Quadro Cal Hydroponic farming

*Uses: Fertigation: 25-75 kg/ha.Foliar: 1.5: 3.5 kg/ha.All crops *Target Pests: Total Nitrogen= 14 % P2O5= 8% K2O= 24% Total CaO = 8% with trace elements *Packing : BAG/25KG *Producer name and origin : Green Has Italia, Jordan.

Nutri Leaf 20.20.20

High quality soluble fertilizers use as foliar spray and through drip irrigation System
Nutri Leaf 20.20.20

*Composition: Total Nitrogen=20%-Available Phosphoric acid (P2O5)- 20%-Soluble Potash(K2O)-20% with trace elements *Uses: 2-3 Kg /hac All crops -Hydroponic farming *Packing : PKT *Producer name and origin :Miller Chemicals, USA

Disper Complex Sinergy -Organic

Micro Nutrient Fertilizers (Trace elements)
Disper Complex Sinergy -Organic

*Composition: Fe=5%, Cu=0.5%, Mn=4%,Mg=2%,Zn=0.6%,B=0.7%,Mo=0.3% *Uses: 1-3kg /hac All crops *Packing : 1KG *Producer name and origin :Eden Modern, Spain.

Disper Ca Sinergy - Organic

Micro Nutrient Fertilizers (Trace elements)
Disper Ca Sinergy - Organic

*Composition: Ca=18% *Uses: 1.5-3 kg /ha. Every 2 weeks.All crops *Packing : 1KG *Producer name and origin: Eden Modern, Spain

Disper Cu Max -Organic

Micro Nutrient Fertilizers (Trace elements)
Disper Cu Max -Organic

*Composition: Cu= 14% *Uses: 1 kg/hac-All crops *Packing : 1KG *Producer name and origin : Eden Modern, Spain.

Disper Fer 6% GS-Organic

Micro Nutrient Fertilizers (Trace elements)
Disper Fer 6% GS-Organic

*Composition: Fe= 6% *Uses: 10-15kg/hac All crops *Packing : 1KG *Producer name and origin : Eden Modern , Spain

Disper CaB Sinergy - Organic

Micro Nutrient Fertilizers (Trace elements)
Disper CaB Sinergy - Organic

*Composition: Calcium (CaO) total soluble in water - 15.00% Calcium (CaO) complexed with LS - 11.48% Calcium (CaO) chelated with EDTA - 3.52% Boron - 3.00% *Uses: Foliar Application: 100 – 150 g/ 100 L of water Irrigation 1 – 2 kg/ Ha All crops *Packing : 1KG *Producer name and origin : Eden Modern , Spain .

Magnesiogreen Attivato

Micro Nutrient Fertilizers (Trace elements)
Magnesiogreen Attivato

*Composition: Magnesium oxide 15.5 % W/W-Sulfur trioxide (SO3) 31 % W/W-Boron 0.5 % W/W -Copper 0.1% W/W-Manganese 0.1 % W/W-Zinc 0.15 % W/W *Uses: Spray: 2.5 – 4 KG/Ha ,Irrigation:2.5–10 KG/Ha-All crops *Packing : KG *Producer name and origin : Green Has S.P.A -Italia

Calciogreen Ps Plus

Micro Nutrient Fertilizers (Trace elements)
Calciogreen Ps Plus

*Composition: Calcium oxide(CaO) 40% w/w Formate 64% w/w *Uses: Foliar400- 150 GRM/100 LTR WATER Fertigation 1.5 - 8 KG/Ha All crops *Packing : KG *Producer name and origin : Green Has S.P.A Italia


Amino Acids Fertilizers

*Composition: N=7.2%, Free Amino acid= 12%, Organic matter=48% *Uses: 10 L/hac -All crops *Packing : 5 LTR *Producer name and origin : Bioiberica S. A. Spain.

Terrasorb Organic Amin

Amino Acids Fertilizers
Terrasorb Organic Amin

*Composition: Amino acid- 20%,Organic Nitrogen-5.5% ,Fe – 1% +TE *Uses: Spray: 1.5 – 3 L/Ha Irrigation:4.5–10 L/Ha All crops Irrigation:4.5–10 L/Ha *Packing : 1 LTR *Producer name and origin : Bioiberica S. A. Spain .


Amino Acids Fertilizers

*Composition: Amino acid- 15% -Seaweed -10% -Organic Nitrogen-3.5%-K2O -2.5% *Uses: Spray: 2 -3 L/Ha -Irrigation:4- 6 L/Ha All crops *Packing : 1 LTR *Producer name and origin : Bioiberica S. A. Spain .

Greengrow AA-30

Amino Acids Fertilizers
Greengrow AA-30

Free Amino Acid 30 % Total Nitrogen 7.8% 1.4 % AMMONIACAL NITROGEN 4.4 % ORGANIC NITROGEN 1.5 % URIC NITROGEN أحماض أمينية حرة 30 % نتروجين كلى = 7.8 % نيتروجين عضوي = 4.4 % يوريك أسيد= 1.5 %


Amino Acids Fertilizers

Nitrogen 2.5 % organic carbon 13.8 % النيتروجين 2.5% الكربون العضوي 13.8 %


Humic Acids Fertilizers

Humic acid + Fulvic acid=60% هيوميك أسيد + فولفيك أسيد =60%

Powhumus 85 WGS-Organic

Humic Acids Fertilizers
Powhumus 85 WGS-Organic

*Composition: Humic acid + Fulvic acid=65% *Target Pests : All crops open filed ,Green house , Organic+ Hydroponic farming *Uses: 1-2 Kg/ hac *packing : 1 KG *Producer name and origin : Humintech , Germany


Organic Matter Fertilizers

Organic matter = 40% + Total Nitrogen= 5.5% Phosphorous= 5% مادة عضوية = 40% النيتروجين الكلي = 5.5% الفوسفور = 5%

Vit Org V G

Organic Matter Fertilizers
Vit Org V G

Magnum gel Cafards 40Gram

Agricultural Pesticides-Public Health Pesticide
Magnum gel Cafards 40Gram

Imidacloprid 2.15% Bitrex 0.008%

Magnum gel Cafards 10Gram

Agricultural Pesticides-Public Health Pesticide
Magnum gel Cafards 10Gram

Imidacloprid 2.15% Bitrex 0.008%

Magnum gel Hormigas 40Gram

Agricultural Pesticides-Public Health Pesticide
Magnum gel Hormigas 40Gram

Imidacloprid 0.1% Bitrex 0.008%

Magnum gel Hormigas 10Gram

Agricultural Pesticides-Public Health Pesticide
Magnum gel Hormigas 10Gram

Imidacloprid 0.1% Bitrex 0.008%

Algaren Twin-organic

Micro Nutrient Fertilizers (Trace elements)
Algaren Twin-organic

Organic Carbon (C ) w/w14 % Organic Nitrogen (N) w/w2 % Organic matter w/w30 % كربون عضوي (سي) و/و 14 % يتروجين عضوي (ن) و/و 2 % مادة عضوية و/و 30 %

SOLVERIX 0-33-42 -Galon

High quality Soluble Fertilizers used through Drip irrigation and spreading
SOLVERIX 0-33-42 -Galon

Active ingredient : (P2O5) :33% (K2O) : 42 % Uses : Fertigation: 25-35 L/ha. Foliar: 1.5:2.5 L/ha. All crops

SOLVERIX 0-33-42 -Ltr

High quality Soluble Fertilizers used through Drip irrigation and spreading
SOLVERIX 0-33-42 -Ltr

Active ingredient : (P2O5) :33% (K2O) : 42 % Uses : Fertigation: 25-35 L/ha. Foliar: 1.5:2.5 L/ha. All crops

DOUBLE WIN 10 –10 –10

High Quality Granules NPK Fertilizers
DOUBLE WIN 10 –10 –10

Active ingredient : NITROGEN :10% Potassium Oxide (K2O) :10% Phosphorous Oxide ( P2O5) :10 % Uses : 450 Kg/Ha 450 كيلو جرام/ هكتار All crops


Agricultural Pesticides-Fungicides

Active ingredient : potassium phosphate 51% inert ingredient 49% Uses : Irrigation:1.5-2.5 L/ hac Spraying: 150 – 250 ml/ 100 L water All crops


Micro Nutrient Fertilizers (Trace elements)

Active ingredient : Organic Carbon (C ) w/w14 % Organic Nitrogen (N) w/w2 % Organic matter w/w30 % Uses : Foliar 200–250 ml 100 L/water All crops


Agricultural Pesticides-Insecticide

Active ingredient : Total P2O5 (Dry basic) : 29% P2O5 soluble in citric acid 2% : 23% Uses : 20KG All crops ,fruit trees ,lawn , golf courses


Microbial Fertilizers

Active ingredient : (psp.l.2.07) 1*10^8 cfu /ml Pseudomonas putida strain PSP.L2.07: 1x108 cfu/m Uses : 4 l/ hac All crops

Cucumber AlOmda F1

Cucumber AlOmda F1

Origin: Seminis Uses : Green House ( Net House )

Cucumber Queen F1

Cucumber Queen F1

Original :Bayer Uses :Green House ( Net House )

Cucumber Royal F1

Cucumber Royal F1

Original :Global Seeds Uses :Green House ( Net House )

Hot Pepper

Hot Pepper

Original :Global Seeds Uses :Green House ( Net House )

Squash Batool F1

Squash Batool F1

Original :Global Seeds Uses :Green House ( Net House )

H. Melon Mona

H. Melon Mona

Original :Seminis Uses :Green House ( Net House )

Cucumber Baraka F1

Cucumber Baraka F1

Original :Global Seeds Uses :Green House ( Net House )



Original :Global Seeds Uses :Green House ( Net House )

Sweet Corn

Sweet Corn

Original :Global Seeds Uses :Green House ( Net House )

Our Clients

We take pride in spotlighting the valued partnerships we've cultivated within the agricultural community. From small-scale family farms to large commercial operations, our clients span the spectrum of the agricultural landscape.

Elite Agro LLC
Desert Group
Barari Natural Resources
Mawarid Holding Investment
Saadyat golf
Dubai Municipality
Government of Dubai
UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Government of sharjah Department Of Agriculture and Livestock
H.H Fatimah Bint Mubark Office
H.H Mansour Bin Zayid Office
H.H Abdullah Bin Zayid Office
H.H Saed Bin Tahnon Office
United Alsaqer Group LLC
Al Dahra Group
Ventana LLC
Advanced Green Solutions Trading LLC
E20 Investment LTD
Emirates Bio Farm LLC

Our Mission

To cultivate sustainable prosperity through innovative agricultural solutions, fostering growth, nourishing communities, and stewarding the environment.

Our Promise

At Green Oasis Co , our promise is to always strive for excellence in everything we do. We promise to be good stewards of the land, to innovate relentlessly, to uphold the highest standards of quality, to engage with our communities with integrity and respect, and to always put our customers first. Together, we can build a brighter future for agriculture and beyond.

Our Branches

Your gateway to discovering our extensive network of locations strategically positioned to serve agricultural communities around the globe. With branches spanning across regions.

Green Oasis Branches

Abu Dhabi Tel:02 6447166

Green Oasis Branches

Dubai Tel:04 2670286

Green Oasis Branches

Al Ain Tel: 03 7806098

Green Oasis Branches

Al Hayer Tel:03 7321146

Green Oasis Branches

Abu Samra Tel:03 7372989

Green Oasis Branches

Liwa Tel:02 8822631

Green Oasis Branches

Ras Alkhimah Tel:07 2461800

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